About Us

Join us in celebrating the simple, modern, classic way of life with specialty finds in our Women's and Men's closets, Hearth Room, Dining Room, Kitchen and bar, Pet Corner, Library, Bed and Bath, Patio and more!  Hearth and Soul invites you to experience our community events, design services, and modern wedding registry; all designed to enhance and simplify your life!

Hearth and Soul has become a home away from home for many. The dream came from Susie Busch-Transou, learn how she brought this from idea to fruition and her vision for the future.

Become a Partner

Hearth and Soul is proud to showcase a variety of partners from our communities each month. From fitness, artists, and Not For Profits we strive to highlight the amazing work these people are doing for us and our communities. 

Join Our Team!

Interested in joining the Hearth and Soul team? We'd love to get to know you!